The monthly Regular Meeting of the Frankfort CUSD #168 Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 16, 2021, at 6 p.m. in the Library at Central Junior High School, located at 1600 East Ninth Street in West Frankfort.

     The agenda can be found at the district’s website at

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Frankfort Community Unit School District #168

Monday, August 16, 2021 – 6:00 pm

Central Junior High School – Library

1600 East Ninth Street – West Frankfort, Illinois 


I.       Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum:

II.      Hearing of Delegates or Visitors and Public Comments:

III.     Approval of Minutes – The Open and Closed Sessions of the July 19, 2021, Regular Meeting; the Open Session of the July 22, 2021, Special Meeting; the August 9, 2021, General Assembly Waiver Hearing; and the August 9, 2021, Special Meeting: (A)

IV.     Approval of Bills and Financial Reports: (A)

V.       Reports:

VI.     Old Business:

VII.­     New Business:

  1. Business and Operations Proposals and Agreements:
    1. Place 2021-2022 Tentative Budget on Review. (A)
    2. Consideration of Adjustment of Adult School Meal Prices. (a)
    3. Consideration of a Yearbook Agreement for 2021-2022 for the FCHS Redbird Annual with Jostens, Inc. (A)
    4. Consideration of a Photography Proposal for the 2021-2022 School Year at FCHS from Iconik Studios. (A)
  2. Curriculum and Instruction:
  3. Consideration of a Transitional Math Partnership Agreement for the 2021-2022 School Year Between John A. Logan College and Frankfort CUSD #168. (A)
  4. Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding with Regional Office of Education #21 – Project ECHO / STAR Quest Academy Regional Safe School RE: Enrollment Fees. (A)
  5. Consideration of Agreement with APEX Learning for a Limited Amount of On-Line Courses. (A)
  6. Facilities:
    1. Update RE: HVAC and Roofing Planning and Work for Central Junior High School. (A)
    2. Update RE: Renovation Planning and Maintenance Work Projects at Denning Elementary School. (A)
    3. Update RE: Programming Study for Master Planning of Future Potential Renovation, Addition, and Construction of Frankfort Community High School Facilities. (A)
  7. Miscellaneous.
  8. Possible Closed Session. (A)
  9. Personnel:
    1. Acceptance of Letter(s) of Resignation / Retirement. (A)
    2. Employ Professional Educator Licensed Employee – Placement to Be Determined. (A)
    3. Employ Professional Educator Licensed Employee – Placement to Be Determined. (A)
    4. Employ Support Staff Member – Chaperone at DES.  (A)
    5. Approval of 2021-2022 Fall, Winter, and Spring Sports Coaches for FCHS/CJHS. (A)
      1. Approval of Volunteer Coaching Positions and Personnel for 2021-2022. (A)
    6. Authorization to Post / Advertise Positions. (A)

VIII.   Board Member Comments

IX.     Adjourn: (A)