Orginally published Thursday, June 3, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. (20-21 School Year Update #164 – The End)
Dear Families of Frankfort CUSD #168:
Thank you for reading as we have tried to keep you up to date on information throughout this school year. We plan to return to as normal of a schedule beginning Friday, August 13 as we can. We look forward to welcoming back students at that time.
Meanwhile, we will be holding summer school beginning on Monday, June 7, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Denning and FCHS students will meet at their respective buildings. Students at FIS and CJHS will all meet at FIS as we begin renovation work at the junior high. The sessions will run for three weeks and will end on Friday, June 25. We will have free breakfast and lunch for those students who are attending these in-person sessions.
In another important announcement, free breakfast and lunch meals will be available for pick-up Mondays through Fridays from June 7 through June 25 through the federal summer meal program and is for anyone from birth to age 18. You do not have to be a summer school student to pick-up these meals. These meals will be available at the regular Frankfort Intermediate School cafeteria door from 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon each day for those three weeks.
Finally, our COVID-related numbers for today included one student under quarantine as well as one staff member being under quarantine.
Enjoy a safe summer and be on the look-out for vaccination opportunities and announcements.
Matt Donkin Superintendent of Schools